Dreaming place for all tea lovers in Le Marche: Cose di Tè, Jesi | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia | Scoop.it
Tea tasting is an incredibly fascinating experience, but still not very popular. Actually in our culture the taste and smell are little stimulated and consequently not very much developed.
Therefore, to appreciate the sweetness of a Chinese green Tea or compare Darjeelings flushed in different periods seems to be a very difficult exercise. But as soon as you start practicing tasting and “feeling” the Tea, progress is often very quick and unexpected. Then the pleasure of a good cup of Tea is beyond compare!
That’s why Cose di Tè has created an aTèlier, a place to discover and develop the “sense for Tea”.
Tea is an open door on the passions and culture worldwide. Cose di Tè then is the right place to meet Tea lovers and discover the art of Tea through the tradition of the countries in which it’s still a ritual.

Via Mariano Pallottini