All you need to know about hotel and flight wifi | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

The need to get to information quickly means consumers expect it to be freely available. Vouchercloud has put together an infographic on Wi-Fi covering numerous sectors and drawing data from a huge range of sources. There are 58 million wifi hotspots in the world - one for every 117 people - but by 2018, there will be one for every 20 people. In the US, 73% of consumers say they would rather give up alcohol than wifi and 70% in India say the same. Such is the thirst for rapid access to information that consumers expect pages to load in two seconds (47%), abandon a page if it takes three seconds or more (40%), and tell friends about a bad online experience (44%). Find out more in the infographic above.

Via Tourism Australia