The right stuff in travel: quality content, accurate content, available content | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

Quality content on travel websites speaks to people: it’s inspiring, it’s relevant to the customer – and it’s bookable, says Eric Dumas, CEO at Vayant Travel Technologies. For the first decade or so, online travel was all about price. However, in today's intensely competitive online environment, consumers are looking for more, including inspiration, community and engagement (in addition to price). Investing in quality content is essential for travel sellers to prosper. Quality means richer content - compelling copy, creative use of video and images, access to customer reviews - in addition to accuracy. To achieve a comprehensive improvement in the quality of content, travel sellers can focus on three decisive stages in the customer journey:

  • Discovery: how to get noticed.
  • Catch and conversion: enticing the customer, turning looking into booking.
  • Relationships: ensuring the sale is the start of a relationship with the customer rather than a one-off.

Via Tourism Australia