How #TripAdvisor took over the #travel information market | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

TripAdvisor is becoming a travel behemoth, since it has gone beyond the issues of fake reviews to become a genuine source of travel information. TripAdvisor has combined the best, freshest and most relevant travel information with the ability to book in real-time. Being able to stay on one site and do all that enhances its attractiveness when researching travel plans. On a mission to complement its vast user-generated content, TripAdvisor is now on a mission to buy the best of travel start-ups. It has taken 15 years to build up its UGC reviews, with some 280 million people now using the site to research travel. As Google owns travel search, TripAdvisor now harnesses UGC, social media and mobile digital to position itself and command the middle ground of travel information. Find out more.

Via Tourism Australia