Flight Centre's top 10 destination predictions for 2016 | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA | Scoop.it

Things change fast in the world of travel, and destinations that were less travelled in 2015 are expected to rank at the top of the ‘must-visit’ charts in 2016.  Flight Centre has pulled out its crystal ball and distilled its visions of the travel future in a top 10 list - with the help of previous years' booking data, what customers are enquiring about and what the travel industry is set to offer in the new year. As always, Australian favourites Bali, Vanuatu and New Zealand made the list. More travel is also expected in our own backyard in 2016, with Tasmania and the Northern Territory slated to become mighty popular holidaying destinations come next year. According to Flight Centre, event-based travel is becoming increasingly popular as a trend. Find out more.

Via Tourism Australia