The world's most discussed #travel-related topics | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

Allianz Global Assistance has collated the concerns and topics discussed by internet users from 11 countries in traveller forums in the past five years. This study's findings have shown the great diversity of discussions among travellers, with 59 different themes featuring in the top 10 of those 11 countries. The top three most popular topics on both global and European levels are air transport, looking for a travel companion and cruises. Economic concerns also feature, with lots of discussions on bargain travel, camping and loyalty programmes. In Europe, travellers also discuss travel agents, rights and laws abroad and advice on travelling with children. In France, all-inclusive holidays and packages on land or at sea top the list, ahead of questions about air companies. Working and living abroad is a topic attracting particular interest in France, putting it in 4th position, compared to 9th in the world top ten. Find out more.

Via Tourism Australia