Top travel research mobile marketing trends | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

The search landscape is moving fast. In particular, mobile search and mobile usage by travellers - both business and leisure. Travellers have become very demanding of their content and information as Google tells us there are millions of searches for hotels and travel related experiences. Not only that, travellers and consumers in general are taking to their mobile devices more often than they would on their desktop to search for information. MyTravelResearch lists 5 trends which are characterising the travel industry to help your business transform its marketing focus:

  1. Mobile search overtakes PC.
  2. Travel research is a big micro-moment topic.
  3. Video travel content is highly consumed on mobile devices.
  4. Travellers' high usage of mobile devices in destination.
  5. Dependency on mobile increases.

Via Tourism Australia