How to sell multigenerational travel | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

While much has been said about the power and importance of Millennials as a driving force in travel sales, there is plenty to be gained by focusing on the other end of the spectrum as well. Baby Boomers and mature travellers are growing in both numbers (at twice the overall population growth rate, in fact) and influence. According to the U.S. Census, there will be 80 million grandparents by 2020, accounting for nearly one in three adults. In addition, these grandparents are widely expected to work longer, have higher incomes, and spend more on discretionary products and services than their predecessors. They, more so than parents (35% vs. 25%), are inclined to pay for multigenerational trips to help family members enjoy a holiday they otherwise could not afford. And as the number of grandparents continues to increase—this demographic segment is growing at twice the overall population growth rate—multigenerational travel will also continue to grow. Click here to read more.

Via Tourism Australia