Understanding Chinese luxury travellers | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA | Scoop.it

According to research from Brand Karma, luxury travellers from China place higher value on helpfulness and efficiency of service while other APAC travellers prioritise breakfasts and peacefulness in their travel reviews. The Chinese prefer to post on Ctrip and Weibo while the others use TripAdvisor and Facebook most. Google+ has 100 million users in China, Twitter has 80 million and YouTube has 60 million. LinkedIn has over 20 million users according to Business Insider. China does not have a strong Facebook presence and the luxury hotels participate in Weibo. Ctrip receives the most positive reviews (71%) while Dao Dao attracts the least (19%). Chinese travellers are increasingly posting reviews via their phone, while average review length (and number of words) is declining.

Via Tourism Australia