229 million Chinese made online travel bookings in first half of 2015 | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA | Scoop.it

Chinese netizens made 229 million online bookings for air tickets, hotels, rail tickets and vacation products in the first six months of 2015, 3.3% or 7.3 million more than the figure at the end of 2014, according to China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC). The growth rate is 7.6 times that of the overall growth of the online travel industry. The percentage of Chinese netizens using smartphones to make online travel bookings increased from 24.1% to 28.3%. About 26.8% of netizen's online bookings in the first half of 2015 were for rail tickets, 13.3% for air tickets, 13.8% for hotels and 6.2% for holiday products. Online hotel bookings showed the fastest growth, having leapt 9.1%, equivalent to 7.72 million more consumers.

Via Tourism Australia