Top 10 business ideas from travel and tourism over the last year | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

Springwise has picked out its top ten travel and tourism articles from the last 12 months, designed to provide your business with plenty of fresh inspiration for the future. Among these innovative business ideas include:

  • Yellow Backie: Amsterdam scheme letting visitors hitchhike on the back of locals' bicycles.
  • Packnada: Singapore-based Packnada enables passengers to travel with only a passport - its wardrobe storage service delivers everything else to their hotel each time they land.
  • Magdas Hotel: In Vienna, the Magdas Hotel provides employment and housing for young refugees alongside open minded guests. This initiative alleviates the city's refugee situation while raising awareness and presenting asylum seekers as contributing members of society.
  • IO: Russian artificial intelligence app IO hopes to help users find restaurants nearby by chatting to them with its natural language functionality and its ability to learn their eating preferences.

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Via Tourism Australia