Travel habits of Americans: 42% didn't take any holidays in 2014 | ALBERTO CORRERA - QUADRI E DIRIGENTI TURISMO IN ITALIA |

Skift has been tracking the travel habits of Americans throughout 2014 with a series of surveys. As we enter 2015, the picture of when and how many holidays workers in the USA take is still pretty bleak. The number of holidays taken directly correlates to whether Americans travel inside or outside the country, and how that affects the travel industry as a whole in addition to its various constituents in airlines, airports, hotels, destinations, attractions and related sectors. In a new survey conducted by Skift, it was revealed that as many as 42% of Americans did not take a single vacation day in 2014. On the other end of the spectrum, about 15% of Americans said they took more than 20 vacation days last year. Click here to view the survey's full findings.

Via Tourism Australia